British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox

British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox Rating: 4,1/5 7268votes

Wikipedia Reference deskArchivesComputing2. September 1. 8 Wikipedia. Welcome to the Wikipedia Computing Reference Desk Archives. The page you are currently viewing is an archive page. While you can leave answers for any questions shown below, please ask new questions on one of the current reference desk pages. Controlled Fixed Bandwidth Allocationedit   Is it possible via a hardware device or some software to allocate fixedunchangeable amounts of uplink and downlink bandwidth from a single cable internet connection to multiple computersExample Scenario From a 5. Mbps Downlink1. Mbps Uplink cable internet connection, allocate as follows 5. Mbps Uplink5. Mbps Downlink bandwidth to a workstation, and 9. British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox EsrBritish Standard Bs 1363 FirefoxMbps Downlink1. Mbps uplink bandwidth each to five desktops. Thanks as always. Rocketshiporion 0. British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox AdblockSeptember 2. UTCTraffic shaping can do that. Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 Pro 10 here. I know Linux can do that in software using the tc utility, other systems probably offer something similar. Unilynx talk 0. September 2. UTCI think any decent router or firewall should have support for traffic shaping. I use m. 0n. 0wall which does although I dont use this sort of traffic shaping but Im pretty sure its possible if you have fixed IPs for each system whether assigned via DHCP based on MAC address or assigned on the computer. Nil Einne talk 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTCRemoved repetition of next question Rojomoke talk 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTCWould traffic shaping still work if the computers are virtual machines, and they are using Network Address Translation via a router Rocketshiporion 2. September 2. 01. 0 UTCIf setup properly, I dont see why not Nil Einne talk 2. September 2. 01. 0 UTCCan I get rid of the My Videos foldereditI am running Windows 7 6. PC. As usual, Windows creates a My Documents folder and the similar folders for music and videos. I have moved the My Videos folder to an external hard drive and renamed it I never did like the childish sounding My xxx. Kenya uses British BS1363 socket. Mozilla Firefox or Google. Travel Information. British lta. orgwikiUSStandardLightRailVehicle US Standard Light Rail Vehicle lta. British Standard Electrical Wiring. In. used in the UK for currents up to 13 A is defined in BS 13632 and normally. Google Chrome and Mozila Firefox. The Construction Information Service. Core Supplement as standard allowing you to choose from the. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. My question is, is there any way I can permanently delete the new My Videos folder that Windows keeps recreating on my C drive Gurumaister talk 0. September 2. 01. 0 UTCUse regedit to remove the data value for each shell folder you dont want any more. This will stop Windows recreating them each time you startup. The shell folder values are in HKEYCurrentUsersoftwareMicrosoftcurrentversionexplorershellfolders Canley talk 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTC. Big Country Crossing Deluxe Rarity. It is always wise to backup the registry or at least the part that you edit before making any changes. The File, Export menu item of Regedit will do this. Mitch Ames talk 0. September 2. 01. 0 UTCThank you I appreciate your help. Gurumaister talk 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTCAaahhhh. British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox Focus' title='British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox Focus' />British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox BrowserI checked the registry but got lost when I found that there is no currentversion folder in the microsoft folder mentioned above. I then did a search of the whole registry for shellfolders and got no response. Has anyone any idea where I do need to go in the registry to find them Gurumaister talk Preceding undated comment added 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTC. I think Canley want to direct you to HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionExplorerUser Shell Folders Nil Einne talk 1. Is there a powerstrip which accomodates most if not all AC power. British, FrenchGerman power. Eg in the UK BS 1363 sockets must have shutters over the L and. All BSI British Standards. Standard Number BS 13631. This website is best viewed with browser version of up to Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox 3. September 2. 01. 0 UTCNil Einne, Thank you but unless I am misreading your post, you have not understood me. What I am saying is that there IS NOT a folder called current. Version anywhere in my registry I did a search for it and got no response. British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox Update' title='British Standard Bs 1363 Firefox Update' />Am I doing something wrong Gurumaister talk 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTCUSB Ports on a universal travel adaptoreditI have a family member who will be travelling in Europe and was thinking of taking their Ipod to use in WI FI spots. However we were wondering about charging it. The world travel adaptor we purchased has a USB adaptor that connects to it. My concern is how safe is this. Obviously we do not want to fry the Ipod. The makers of the adaptor claim it fine to use but they are trying to sell the product. What happens when it does not work and the unit that is plugged in burns out Preceding unsigned comment added by Hughesfam talk contribs 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTCAs long as the adapter is rated for the countries your relative is visiting, then you can expect it to work fine. If it doesnt, and particularly if it damages anything connected to it, then its defective. Note that some hotels usually more expensive ones have i. Pod docking stations, which charge i. Pods. Finlay Mc. Walter Talk 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTCAs long the AC prongs conform to the Europlug specifications and it has the CE mark it will work anywhere in the EU. If you have any doubts about the adapter it may be safest to simply buy an i. Pod charger on arrival in Europe. Roger talk 0. 9 1. September 2. 01. 0 UTC. That is not true. They will not work in the UK or in other places where BS 1. By the way we use 2. UK. And reading the Schuko article suggests there are three or four different plug standards in the EU. Switzerland, which is in Europe but not in the EU, apparantly uses another different standard. September 2. 01. 0 UTCShow me a UK house that doesnt have at least one Europlug adaptor and I will prove that Elvis lives there. Europlug is perfectly compatible with Schuko. The whole of Europe uses 2. V, not only the UK. Roger talk 2. 1 3. September 2. 01. 0 UTCIve lived in the UK all my life, and I have lived in or been involved with a large number of different houses and Ive never ever seen any Europlug adapters ever. We use BS 1. 36. 3. September 2. 01. 0 UTCedit conflict Well thats my house, my parents house and although not a home, the entire building I work at. The very article you linked to says in the opening line It was designed such that it can safely be used in the domestic power sockets of all European countries,except for the BS 1. Britain, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Ireland and Malta. Sorry Roger, but do you live in the UK We really dont have those plugs at all. Theres a similar shaving plug in the bathroom of some homes similar in appearance only, but thats all. ZX8. 1 talk 2. 1 4. September 2. 01. 0 UTCThe voltage in the UK used to be 2. Europe. I thought it had been changed to 2. Wikipedia articles suggest its actually 2. September 2. 01. 0 UTC. The voltage in the UK is still 2. The UK agreed to the European standard but didnt make any change in their actual supply of 2. EU tolerance levels. They did change the nominal voltage to 2. If you stay in a UK building that does not have a convenient Europlug adaptor, then you could purchase a cheap USB charger with a BS 1. Our article on AC power plugs and sockets is very comprehensive for world wide travel, but doesnt make easy reading. Our Mains power around the world article gives standard voltages, and you must ensure that your charger is running from the voltage that it was designed for. Dbfirs 0. 8 5. 0, 2. September 2. 01. 0 UTC. Good advice, although the chances of finding a europlug socket or existing adaptor in any building or home in the UK are practically zero. September 2. 01. 0 UTC. Really My impression, supported by EuroplugIncompatibility with British sockets and BS 1. Compatibility is that it isnt that uncommon for manufacturers to use some sort of adaptor like File Euro. Plug with UK adapter. File Euro converter plug. UK and those other countries that use BS 1. Malaysia it wasntisntPOLYESTER GROUT INCORPORATING FLY ASH AS POTENTIAL INFILL MATERIAL FOR GROUTED CONNECTIONS S. Mohammed. Rahman, A. B. A., J. H. Ling, Z. A. Hamid, M. H. Osman, S. Mohammad, and A. A. Saim. 2. 01. 4. Development of Splice Connections for Precast Concrete Structures. Advanced Materials Research. Ling, J. H. 2. 01. Behaviour of Grouted Splice Connections in Precast Concrete Walls Subjected to Tensile, Shear and Flexural Loads. Doctoral dissertation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Civil Engineering. Kim, Y. M. 2. 00. A Study of Pipe Splice Sleeves for Use in Precast Beam Column Connections. Masters thesis, University of Texas at Austin. Alavi Fard, M. H. Marzouk. 2. 00. Bond of High Strength Concrete Under Monotonic Pull Out Loading. Magazine of Concrete Research. Rebeiz, B. K. S., J. W. Rosett, and A. P. Craft. 1. 99. 6. Strength Properties of Polyester Mortar Using Pet and Fly Ash Wastes Journal of Energy Engineering. Raymond, J. and B. Sauntson. 1. 98. 7. Resins and Polymers for Grouts. Concrete and Filled Systems A Wide Perspective. Proc., 5th Int. Congress on Polymers in Concrete. Brighton Polytechnic, Brighton, England. Shivasharan, S. M. Polymer Coatings. Vol. II. 3rd Int. Congress on Polymers In Concrete. Nihon University, Nihon University Centre for Research Coordination and Planning, Japan. Goulding, T. M. 1. Epoxy Resin Adhesives. Handbook of Adhesive. New York Marcel Dekker Inc. Khalid, N. H. A., M. W. Hussin, M. Ismail, N. Basar, M. A. Ismail, H. S. Lee and A. Mohamed. Evaluation of Effectiveness of Methyl Methacrylate as Retarder Additive in Polymer Concrete. Construction and Building Materials. Atzeni, C., L. Massidda, and U. Sanna. 1. 99. 0. Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Mortars with Fly Ash as Filler. Cement and Concrete Composites. Soh, Y. S., Y. K. Jo, and H. S. Park. Effect of Fillers on the Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Resin Mortar. Fuel and Energy Abstracts. ASTM C 2. 30C 2. M. Standard Specification for Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement. American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM C 1. 09C. 2. Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars using 2 in or 5. American Society of Testing and Materials. BS 8. 11. 0 1. 1. Structural Use of Concrete Part 1 Code of Practice of Design and Construction, British Standards Institution.