How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation

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Throttling%28manual+strangulation%29.jpg' alt='How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation' title='How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation' />Hanging Wikipedia. The execution of Henry Wirz in 1. U. S. Capitol, moments after the trap door was sprung. Hanging is the suspension of a person by a noose or ligature around the neck. The Oxford English Dictionary states that hanging in this sense is specifically to put to death by suspension by the neck, though it formerly also referred to crucifixion and death by impalement in which the body would remain hanging. Hanging has been a common method of capital punishment since medieval times, and is the official execution method in numerous countries and regions. The first account of execution by hanging was in Homers Odyssey Book XXII. In this specialised meaning of the common word hang, the past and past participle is hanged3 instead of hung. Hanging is also a common method of suicide in which a person applies a ligature to the neck and brings about unconsciousness and then death by suspension. Partial suspension or partial weight bearing on the ligature is sometimes used, particularly in prisons, mental hospitals or other institutions, where full suspension support is difficult to devise, because high ligature points e. Methods of judicial hangingedit. Detail from a painting by Pisanello, 1. There are four ways of performing a judicial hanging suspension hanging, the short drop, the standard drop, and the long drop. A mechanised form of hanging, the upright jerker, was also experimented with in the 1. Iran. SuspensioneditSuspension, like the short drop, causes death by using the weight of the body to tighten the noose around the trachea and neck structure. Prisoners are reported to have little or no struggle before they go limp because their jugular vein and carotid arteries are blocked and blood flow to the brain is reduced. The person slowly dies of strangulation, which typically takes between ten and twenty minutes, resulting in a considerably more elongated and painful death as compared to the standard or long drop hanging. Karyn Kupcinet was a Hollywood actress found dead a week after the JFK assassination. Did her death have anything to do with KennedysIf the airway is constricted, and full suspension achieved feet fully off the floor, this method, at least initially, is likely to be very painful, as the person struggles for air against the compression of the noose and against the weight of their own body, being supported entirely by the neck and jaw. Short dropeditThe short drop is performed by placing the condemned prisoner on the back of a cart, horse, or other vehicle, with the noose around the neck. The object is then moved away, leaving the person dangling from the rope. A ladder was also commonly used with the condemned being forced to ascend, after which the noose was tied and the ladder pulled away or turned, leaving the condemned hanging. Another method involves using a stool, which the condemned is required to stand on, being kicked away. The guards at the Stutthof concentration camp who were sentenced to death were executed by short drop hanging they were placed in the noose while standing or sitting on a truck, and the trucks were driven away. As with suspension hanging, the condemned prisoner slowly dies of strangulation, which typically takes between ten and twenty minutes, resulting in a considerably more prolonged and painful death as compared to the standard or long drop hanging, which is intended to kill by using the shock of the drop to fracture the spinal column at the neck. Before 1. 85. 0, the short drop was the standard method for hanging, and is still common in suicides and extrajudicial hangings such as lynchings and summary executions which do not benefit from the specialised equipment and drop length calculation tables used by the newer methods. Pole methodeditA short drop variant is the Austro Hungarian pole method, called Wrgegalgen literally strangling gallows, in which the following steps take place The condemned is made to stand before a specialized vertical pole or pillar, approximately 1. A rope is attached around the condemneds feet and routed through a pulley at the base of the pole. Did+You+Know+Most+strangulation+cases+produce+minor+or+no+visible+injury.+Many+victims+suffer+internal+injuries+and+have+documental+symptoms..jpg' alt='How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation' title='How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation' />The condemned is hoisted to the top of pole by means of a sling running across the chest and under the armpits. A narrow diameter noose is looped around the prisoners neck, then secured to a hook mounted at the top of the pole. The chest sling is released, and the prisoner is rapidly jerked downward by the assistant executioners via the foot rope. The executioner stands on a stepped platform approximately 4 feet 1. This method was later also adopted by the successor states, most notably by Czechoslovakia where the pole method was used as the single type of execution from 1. Nazi war criminal Karl Hermann Frank, executed in 1. Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla. Carlos Marighella A Definition of the Urban Guerrilla. The chronic structural crisis characteristic of Brazil today, and its. Prague, was among approximately 1. Czechoslovakia. 7Standard dropeditThe standard drop, which arrived as calculated in English units, involves a drop of between 4 and 6 feet 1. Irish doctor, Samuel Haughton. Discovery Studio 3.5 Client there. Program Eurosport 2 Bundesliga. Its use rapidly spread to English speaking countries and those where judicial systems had an English origin. It was considered a humane improvement on the short drop because it was intended to be enough to break the persons neck, causing immediate paralysis and immobilisation and probable immediate unconsciousness. This method was used to execute condemned Nazis under United States jurisdiction after the Nuremberg Trials including Joachim von Ribbentrop and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. In the execution of Ribbentrop, historian Giles Mac. Donogh records that The hangman botched the execution and the rope throttled the former foreign minister for twenty minutes before he expired. A Life magazine report on the execution merely says The trap fell open and with a sound midway between a rumble and a crash, Ribbentrop disappeared. The rope quivered for a time, then stood tautly straight. Long dropedit. Sepia tone photo from a contemporary 1. Tom Ketchums decapitated body. Caption reads Body of Black Jack after the hanging showing head snapped off. This process, also known as the measured drop, was introduced to Britain in 1. William Marwood as a scientific advance on the standard drop. Instead of everyone falling the same standard distance, the persons height and weight1. The careful placement of the eye or knot of the noose so that the head was jerked back as the rope tightened contributed to breaking the neck. Prior to 1. 89. 2, the drop was between four and ten feet about one to three metres, depending on the weight of the body, and was calculated to deliver a force of 1,2. How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation' title='How Is Death Produced By Manual Strangulation' />This force resulted in some decapitations, such as the infamous case of Black Jack Ketchum in New Mexico Territory in 1. Between 1. 89. 2 and 1. After 1. 91. 3, other factors were also taken into account, and the force delivered was reduced to about 1,0. N or 4. 50 kgf. The decapitation of Eva Dugan during a botched hanging in 1. Arizona to switch to the gas chamber as its primary execution method, on the grounds that it was believed more humane. One of the more recent decapitations as a result of the long drop occurred when Barzan Ibrahim al Tikriti was hanged in Iraq in 2. Accidental decapitation also occurred during the 1. Arthur Lucas, one of the last two people to be put to death in Canada. Nazis executed under British jurisdiction, including Josef Kramer, Fritz Klein, Irma Grese and Elisabeth Volkenrath, were hanged by Albert Pierrepoint using the variable drop method devised by Marwood. The record speed for a British long drop hanging was 7 seconds from the executioner entering the cell to the drop.