Stratigraphy Program

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Stratigraphy Program' title='Stratigraphy Program' />IRIS is a consortium of universities dedicated to the operation of science facilities for the acquisition, management, and distribution of seismological data. LEARN NC was a program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education from 1997 2013. It provided lesson plans, professional development. Shawnee State University Acalog ACMSDifferent browsers use different keystrokes to activate accesskey shortcuts. Please reference the following list to use access keys on your system. Alt and the accesskey, for Internet Explorer on Windows. Shift and Alt and the accesskey, for Firefox on Windows. Shift and Esc and the accesskey, for Windows or Mac. Ctrl and the accesskey, for the following browsers on a Mac Internet Explorer 5. Stratigraphy Programs' title='Stratigraphy Programs' />Phylogeny programs page describing all known software for inferring phylogenies evolutionary trees. The University of Arizona Graduate Catalog and Program Descriptions. Most Recent Weekly Report 23 May Cite this Report. CVGHM reported that, since the Alert Level was raised on 12 February, seismic activity at Galunggung. Safari 1. 2, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape 6. We use the following access keys on our gatewayn Skip to Navigationk Accesskeys descriptionh Help. Metamorphic Evolution of the Yilgarn Craton ITARYilgarn Craton Latest findings 2. The East Yilgarn Craton is a major gold mineralization province, it is also a complex mosaic of different tectono metamorphic domains and terranes. The thermal and barometric evolution, timing of different metamorphic parageneses and connection between thermal evolution and Au mineralization has not previously been adequately addressed. A regional scale metamorphic project to investigate the above issues, was set up by Bruce Groenewald and Goscombe in 2. GSWA. The East Yilgarn Craton Metamorphic Project EYCMP became fully funded in 2. Goscombe to run the metamorphic component within the larger Y4 program. The Y4 program involved some 3. Australia wide and is funded and supported by pmdCRC, Geoscience Australia, CSIRO and GSWA. The EYCMP component has been strongly supported by the GSWA, GA and pmdRC and is funded until August 2. Collaborators in the EYCMP are Richard Blewett Team Leader and Karol Czarnota at GA, Roland Maas at Melbourne University, Bruce Groenewald at GSWA, Angus Netting and Dr Ben Wade at Adelaide Microscopy and Mike Verrall and Greg Hitchen at CSIRO AARC Perth. Ongoing research on the thermo barometric evolution of the Western Yilgarn Craton is funded by a large research grant from the GSWA Grant 2. August 2. 00. 8 to June 2. The West Yilgarn Craton Metamorphic Project WYCMP will involve collaboration with Richard Blewett Geoscience Australia, Prof. David Foster University of Florida for titanite and zircon geochronology, Dr Ben Wade Adelaide Microscopy for monazite geochronology and the GSWA geologists working on the Yilgarn Craton Steve Wyche, Tim Ivanic and Sandra Romano. Ray Addenbrooke, Daniel Greene and Debbie Caple from the GSWA are acknowledged for there support of the field sampling program. Below is an extended abstract of a talk presented at Kalgoorlie. September 2. 00. 7. This is work in progress on the Yilgarn at mid 2. The ideas expressed have evolved substantially since then. Outcomes of the East Yilgarn research were published as GA Record 2. The latest outcomes and models will be published in international journals and conferences in 2. Ma arc related metamorphism M1 moderate P metamorphism M2 regional metamorphism M3a rift related metamorphism M3b late stage alteration events1 BROAD THERMO BAROMETRIC EVOLUTION OF THE EASTERN GOLDFIELDS SUPERTERRANE. Ben Goscombe. 1, Richard Blewett. Karol Czarnota. 2, Roland Maas. Bruce Groenewald. The University of Adelaide, SA, 5. Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 3. Canberra ACT, 2. 60. University of Melbourne, VIC, 3. Geological Survey of Western Australia, 1. Plain St, East Perth, WA, 6. Introduction Geological relationships, relative garnet Lu Hf chronology, absolute PT calculations and spatial database of metamorphic parameters across all domains, constrain the metamorphic evolution of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane EGST. The post 2. 72. 0 Ma thermo barometric evolution of the EGST is divided into 5 broad periods of contrasting metamorphic style, conditions and possible thermo mechanicaltectonic setting. Unlike stress fields, thermal event switching involves slow rates, conductive delays and a history less punctuated than the structural evolution necessitating broad thermal events and continuums between them, particularly from M2 to M3a and M3b see below. Ma Rare, high T, high G arc related metamorphism 2. Ma The period of late crust formation and volcanic stratigraphy involved both multiple events and a spatially complex mosaic of subduction, magmatic arcs, back arc and plume related environments and processes. Widespread near surface metamorphic parageneses that would have formed at this time are sea floor alteration e. Phillips. 1. 98. 6. Creative Sound Blaster Extigy Software more. These early alteration assemblages would have been largely obliterated during subsequent events, except possibly in the lowest grade parts of the EGST. Nevertheless, the resulting altered bulk compositions are preserved and these have strongly influenced the subsequent developed metamorphic parageneses in the EYC e. Purvis, 1. 98. 4. Granulite metamorphism is recognised in only two localities a cluster in the northern part of the Southern Duketon Domain and one location in the northern part of Gindalbie Domain. These granulites are statically metamorphosed gabbros, preserving ghosted ophitic textures, recrystallised to granoblastic two pyroxene assemblages. Peak metamorphic conditions of 7. C at low pressures between 2. G simply the ratio Tdepth assuming a density of 2. Ckm. These high T, high G conditions in the upper crust are most possibly formed in a high heat flow magmatic arc environment Ma. Such a scenario would result in small high grade domains, widely scattered and of different ages, reflecting multiple magmatic arcs. In contrast, formation in either an extensional or plume setting would result in widespread distribution. M1 Discrete, medium P, low G metamorphism 2. Ma Rare, but widely distributed medium P 6 kbar, high T 6. C and uniquely low average thermal gradient G 2. Ckm metamorphic parageneses are found almost exclusively associated with high strain shear zones e. Ida, Ockerburry, Celia and Hootanui Fault systems. Manual Lavadoras Whirlpool'>Manual Lavadoras Whirlpool. A single Lu Hf garnet age from one of these high grade parageneses is 1. Ma older than Lu Hf ages for garnets from regional metamorphic parageneses and 3. Excel Link 2007 Crack here. Ma older than Lu Hf ages for metamorphic garnet in a post volcanic late basin see below. Consequently, these medium P high T parageneses are early formed, prior to pervasive regional metamorphic events. This is substantiated by overprinting of medium P rocks within shear zones by lower grade shear assemblages and the formation of these rocks in thermal regimes entirely distinct from all younger events i. G 4. 0 Ckm. Peak T was attained at peak P and was followed by near isothermal decompression, either in the same metamorphic cycle or during a later exhumation event. The tectonic setting for early, medium P parageneses is unknown, but can be explained by two competing end member processes. Either these medium P, low G conditions were widespread regional metamorphism and the current restricted distributions are due to late stage exhumation bringing only a portion into the shallow crustal i. M3a extensional telescoping. This scenario is supported by exposures within shear zones but nevertheless would predict more widespread relict medium P parageneses, such as in garnet cores, boudins and xenoliths. Or alternatively, medium P, low G conditions were spatially restricted at the time of formation. In which case the current distribution is significant and the tectonic setting would be responsible for discrete, thin, arcuate zones of deep burial followed by rapid exhumation. Possible tectonic settings that match the metamorphic conditions and the apparent restricted spatial distribution i. G lt 1. 5Ckm or downward advection of greenstone margins by diapiric overturn e. Collins Van Kranendonk, 1. Currently, both the tectonic setting and relative timing of M1 and Ma metamorphic parageneses are unknown. Though both metamorphic events have entirely distinct thermal regimes, it is possible that both formed at similar times in different parts of a tectonic system.